So, after my clean-up harague I enjoyed directing my students to run as fast as they could to the trees across the playing field, grab a big leaf and run back. "You have three minutes," I added sternly, then laughed as the kids looked at each other, then at me, secretly hopeful that I really meant it! A few braves ones said something like, "You're kidding, right?" "Nope," I shook my head and stood back as they headed out the door amid whoops and hollers. Fresh air and freedom: three minutes of bliss for these middle school students.
During clean-up this afternoon, I noticed that the floor was littered with dried leaves. "What'll we do with these?" a girl asked as she started to toss a few leaves into the garbage. "Here," I handed her a large box. On Monday we'll return our useful leaves to Mother Nature and start our week off with a little fresh air and freedom.
I watched their progress from the doorway as I wrapped my bulky sweater more tightly about myself. Fall had arrived! The cold was motivation for my t-shirt clad students to run the several hundred yards there and back all the more quickly. They spilled back into the classroom excited by their finds and energized by the brisk autumn air. For the rest of the week they worked diligently creating beautiful ceramic bowls based on the leaves they collected. We completed the final steps today.