
Contour Line Drawing with a Twist

It all started with a basic contour line drawing of a shoe followed by a simple challenge: You've drawn it while looking, now close your eyes and try it blind. The results were funny, we laughed and I was ready to move on to the SERIOUS drawing lessons.
But the 7th graders in this class are never predictable and rarely serious. Someone suggested trying it backwards and before I knew it the kids were all up out of their seats practically dislocating their shoulders to draw on the desk behind them. The results were almost as hilarious as watching this room full of contortionists trying to draw a shoe.
Then, Travis, known as DaTravio in the art room, drew a pretty decent shoe with his elbow, so everyone had to try that!
Clearly, when roucous laughter broke out in the corner of the room and shoes were flying off feet instead of being carefully drawn by studious art students, all hope was lost for completing that day's carefully planned lesson. Soon everyone had their shoes off, pencils gripped between toes, drawing shoes on the floor. It was an unpredictably wonderful place for my simple contour line drawing lesson to end up!


  1. Absolutely hilarious. I love that you allowed your students to get creative and try new methods, no matter how wild. The kids will have lasting positive memories about your art class.

  2. My class also did shoes for the line and contour unit. I had them pay close attention and draw their shoes realistically. Then I had them turn their shoes into something. For example, the shoes became: a movie theater, amusement park, submarine, house, etc. They used stick figures for all the people in their scenes. Things like the laces became a water slide, etc. They had so much fun and still talk about it as one of their favorite projects ever :)

  3. Christy,
    What a great idea! I can't wait to try this the next time I do this lesson! I bet kids will be inspired by the new Jack Black movie based on Gulliver's Travels.

  4. I just stumbled across your blog, and I have to comment on how ironic it is that not only do you have the same first name and job as me, but you seem to have the same curriculum as me too! Contour shoes with my 7th graders is one of my favorite lessons to teach! Looking forward to reading more of your posts on lessons.


  5. Fantastic. I'm going to try your ideas. Thanks for sharing


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Breaking Rules

C ontemplating impending retirement, I revisit works of art created by so many students over the years. What a complete joy and privilege ...