Sometimes going low-tech in this high-tech world produces beautiful results. Take a look at what Melissa Giglio's students at Nouth Carolina's Arapahoe Charter School can do with sticks and a little ink. Yes, sticks, plain ordinary, fallen from the tree, sticks. The original tool for scratching in the dirt, marking out territory or digging a hole. Melissa says, "In the pictures you'll see how 'gestural' they are...I LOVE THAT about stick drawing with ink. We also splattered and used a watered down ink with a paper towel as a 'wash' to create gray

While I'm sorry to see summer come to an end, I can't wait for the trees to shed their leaves and drop a few sticks so that I, too, can take my students outside to draw with sticks! Visit Melissa at her new blog,
The Art Room at ACS.
Hi Kari, I love the variety of line that comes when the children use sticks. I've used them several times with 5 year olds upwards. It's always successful. I use kebab sticks from the supermarket, but regular sticks from trees is where I'm going next. Thanks for the post.